FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2015 Vol.21 No.1 PP 63-66
Ecological study of a pond relation of it’s bio-productivity at banda (U.P.) INDIA
Sarika Gupta
Department of Zoology, Bipin Bihari P.G. College, Jhansi (U.P.) India
E-mail: gbrillient@hotmail.com
Assessment of hydrobiological features viz. colour, turbidity, water temperature, pH, CO2, D.O., B.O.D., Chloride, Carbonates, Bicarbonates, total alkalinity, Ammonical nitrogen, Nitrate, Phosphate and plankton (Phyto & Zoo) and fishes of Pragi Talab at Banda were studied during rainy season (July-October). Water samples were taken from four points of the said ponds, having in view to examine entire ecology of the pond. As per the observations following APHA, the productivity of the said pond was not upto the mark, because pond water was used mostly by washerman and vehicle washing. Thus the detergents and petroleum products cause harm to the biota. Apart from this, there was no embankment and trees so the pond requires proper management scientifically for enhancement of bio-productivity. Besides meteorological conditions viz. Photo period, Atmospheric temperature, Rainfall and Relative humidity were also recorded which have direct impact on water bodies. On those guidelines; the other unmanaged lentic water bodies may be properly managed scientifically so that their bio-productivity might be used as an asset for the wellbeing of the society. The parameters results were compared with ISI/WHO standards.

Key words :APHA, Assessment of bio-productivity, Hydrobiology, ISI, Management of lentic water bodies, Role of lentic water bodies in human welfare, WHO.
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