FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2015 Vol.21 No.1 PP 90-94
Prediction of Bioaccumulation factors of some common herbicides through QSAR based bioinformatics
Shashi Prabha Agrawal
Department of Zoology, D.A.V. (PG) College, Civil Lines, Kanpur (India)
E-mail: shashiagarwal29@gmail.com
In present study I used QSAR (Quantitative structural activity relationship ) model to predict bioaccumulation factor of herbicides. Here I have taken 40 herbicides and predicted with the help of T.E.S.T.software. I analysed that experimental log 10 value of one herbicides was greater than 3.50 (value recorded 3.51). It means it was potent to BAF. I also observed that out of 40 herbicides , experimental log10 value for BAF of 14 herbicides and predicted log10 value of 31 herbicides were below 3.50. It means that these herbicides were not potent to BAF.

Key words :Bioaccumulation factor, Herbicides, QSAR.
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