FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2015 Vol.21 No.1 PP 24-30
Seasonal variations in density and diversity of zooplankton of waghur dam near jalgaon (M.S.), india.
Y.E. Patel, H. M. Shaikh, and N.G. Patel*
Department of Zoology, H. J. Thim College of Arts and Science, Jalgaon-425001
B.S. Patel ACS College, |Pimpal Gaon, Kale Tel. JALGAON, JAMOD, Distt. buldana- 443403
E-mail: yusufpatel70@gmail.com; drnisarpatel@gmail.com
Present study deals with seasonal variation in density and diversity of zooplankton of Wahgur dam water near Jalgaon in Maharastra. Waghur dam water is mostly used for drinking, irrigation and domestic purposes. The zooplankton dynamics can greatly influence the water quality of this dam. Therefore the population composition and seasonal variation of zooplankton were carried out. For study, samples were collected from the four different sampling stations (A, B, C and D) of Waghur dam. The quantative analyses of zooplankton has revealed the fact that rotifers, cladoceran, copepodes and osracods were the major components of its total bulk in Wahgur dam. The maximum abundance of total zooplankton appeared in summer and its minimum was noted in early monsoon. The values of number of zooplankton species indicating the pattern of diversity has exhibited a different dominating trends of its major subgroups as given Rotifera>Cladocera>Copepoda>Ostracoda. The Waghur dam had moderate diversity of total zooplankton with 23 species belonging to four taxonomic groups. Out of 23 species, 10 species belong to Rotifera, 6 to Cladocera, 4 to Copepoda and 3 to the Ostracoda.

Key words :Diversity, Jalgaon, Wagur, Zooplankton.
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