FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2019 Vol.25 No.1 PP 81-85
Correlation between nutrient intake with BMI in diabetic subjects
*Archana Singh and Nirmal
Department of food & Nutrition (Biochemistry),
Institute of Home Science,
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University, AGRA (U.P.)
*Corresponding Author Email: 301archana @gmail.com
Diabetes mellitus represents a cluster of metabolic diseases characterized by high level of blood glucose (Hyperglycaemia). People are at greater risk of diabetes due to improper dietary practice, unhealthy life style, lack of physical exercise. Multistage stratified sampling technique was used for selecting 50 samples and an interview schedule was evolved to collect information regarding socio-economic profile, dietary pattern, etc The present study was conducted to assess the health status through BMI in diabetic patients aged between 30- 50 years (All subjects had Type-2 diabetes) and correlate between BMI with age and nutrient intake in diabetic subjects. As per result obtained, positive and insignificant correlations were observed between BMI with nutrient intake with age in the present study. (p>0.05).

Key words : Body Mass Index, Diabetes mellitus, Fasting Glucose.
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