FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2019 Vol.25 No.1 PP 91-99
El Nino related climate and dengue fever cases in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
*Masroor Ali khan1, Khalid Al Ghamdi2, Jazem A. Mehyoub3,5, *Rakhshan Khan4
1Public Health Pest Laboratory,
2,3Department of Biological Sciences,
King Abdul Aziz University, JEDDAH KSA
4Department of Geography, IISJ, JEDDAH
5University of Ibb, Republic of YEMEN
*Corresponding Authors : E-mail: alikhanmasroor@hotmail.com,
The focus of this study is to find the relationship between El Nino and dengue fever cases in the study area.Mosquito density was recorded with the help of light traps and through aspirators collection. Climate data were obtained from National Meteorology and Environment centre. (Year wise El Nino and La Nina data are according to NOAA & Golden Gate Weather Services). Statistical methods were used to establish the correlation coefficient between different factors. A high significant relationship was observed between Relative Humidity and Dengue fever cases, but Aedes abundance had no significant relationship with either Relative humidity and Temperature. Our conclusion is that the El Nino does not affect the dengue transmission and Aedes mosquito abundance in this region, which is supported by earlier works.

Key words : Aedes, Climate, Dengue fever, El Nino, Mosquito density.
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