FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2019 Vol.25 No.2 PP 185­-194
Studies on prospects of open and distance learning system for empowerment of farming community in naxal affected areas of Chandauli District, (U.P.) India
Shravan Kumar Pandey1 and *Anil Kumar Misra2
1 IGNOU Regional Centre, VARANASI ,
2IGNOU Regional Centre, LUCKNOW,
*Corresponding Author : Email : anilkumarmishra@ignou.ac.in
A study was carried out in Chandauli district of UP to assess the prospects of ODL system for the empowerment of farming community and improvement of their life with sustainable development of agriculture in naxal affected areas. In fact, Chandauli district is one of the districts among the two hundred and fifty (250) backward rated districts in India. In Chandauli, rice based cropping system prevails. Natural hazards of drought and flood are very common in district which limit the development of agriculture. Area of Vindhyan valley including Navgarh belt lies in Chakiya talluka of Chandauli district recognized as naxal affected area . More than ninety percent (90%) of population depends on agriculture and animal husbandry for their livelihood in this area. Agriculture is nature dependent and traditional, which can be categorized as subsistence farming. More than fifty percent (50%) farming families have a land holding of less than one hectare and have no other option of alternative employment. Approximately forty five percent (45%) families of area belong to SC categories. People of the area face continuous harassment from naxalite and police both. No educational opportunities of higher education except a degree college is available in Chakiya Talluca. Geographical situation of the area and beautiful waterfalls in Naugarh provide immense scope for organic farming of horticultural crop production in the Chandauli district. But due to nuxalite activities and resource poor population in Navgarh block, most of government initiatives become null and vide and development schemes couldn’t reach properly to its beneficiaries. Govt. agencies also found it difficult to transfer technology properly to farming community due to lack of awareness and education in the area like Navgarh. Situations are becoming worse and Chakiya has been left behind in the race of development than the two other Tallucas of Chandauli district. Study reveals that 90.22 percent people are living below poverty line, belongs to rural areas and literacy rate in target area is less than forty nine percent (49%) than the district average of 69.90 percent. Data obtained from the study on GAP analysis between existing and adoption of modern agricultural practices revealed that need base and location. Specific scientific agricultural practices can double the farmers income but due to lack of awareness and no education in farming community, transfer of technology in the area is very poor. In such condition, It was observed that skill development and education may be used as tool for breaking the vicious circle of Unemployment –Poor production-Less job opportunity. As farmers are not able to spare money and time for attending training/classes at any conventional educational/training institutions, Open and Distance learning seems most desirable educational system for remote areas like Naugarh. Areas identified for skill development in the study were 1. Organic production technology of crops 2. Dairy production technology 3. Improved techniques of Fruits and vegetables production 4. Marketing and management of farming inputs 5. Processing and value addition in fruits and vegetables. 6. Trainings on Sericulture, Bee keeping and poultry forming etc. Programmes of School of Agriculture (SOA) and School of Tourism and Hospitality Service Management (SOTHSM), IGNOU may be suggested as most promising for poverty alleviation & livelihood security with sustainable production to change the quality of life in the area under study as ODL system is observed suited most for the area under study. These are 1.P.G. Diploma in Plantation Management, 2.P.G. Diploma in Food Safety & Quality Management and 3.P.G. Certificate in Agriculture Policy. In case of diploma programmes 4.Diploma in Dairy Technology, 5.Diploma in Value added products from Fruits and Vegetables and 6.Diploma in Production of Value added products from Cereals, Pulses and Oilseeds. 7.Diploma in Fish Production Technology and 8.Diploma in Watershed Management found suitable and job oriented programme for the area, For the development of basic skill for self employment and capacity building 9. Certificate in Organic Farming,10.Certificate in Sericulture, 11.Certificate in Bee keeping, 12.Certificate in Water Harvesting Management, and 13.Diploma and Certificate in tourism studies were assessed very useful far farming community. These programmes are job oriented in nature and important for skill development and generation of self employment in farming communities. Digital Learning Centre may also be recommended to establish in area of Naugarh for these programmes . It may be concluded that agriculture education and skill development through Open & Distance Learning will be most important tool in development of new breeds of entrepreneur, increase employment opportunity and higher earning with better conservation of natural resources in naxal affected area of Chandauli district and it will open a way to get back peoples of Chandauli in main stream of Social Development.

Key words : Education, Farming community, Naxal affected area, Open and Distance Learning.
Feedback-Dr. A.K.Srivastav, Executive Editor,
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