FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2020 Vol.26 No.1 PP 73-78
Induction of chlorophyll mutation through physical and chemical mutagen in Phaseolus lunatus (Lima Bean)
*Kalyani R Gunjal and A.D. More
Department of Botany,
Fergusson (Autonomous) College,
*Corresponding Author : Email : kalyanigunjal0@gmail.com
The present investigation was undertaken to study the frequency of chlorophyll deficient sectors and chlorophyll mutants induced by Gamma rays at the dosage of 240Gy,300Gy,360Gy,420Gy, Ethyl Methene Sulphate (EMS) at the concentrations of 0.25%,0.50%,0.75%,1% and the Combination of both (Gamma rays and EMS) like 240Gy+1%, 300Gy+0.75%, 360Gy+0.50%, 420Gy+0.25% in the variety ‘King of Garden’ Phaseolus lunatus (lima bean).The chlorophyll mutants were observed in all the three mutagenic treatments in the lima bean. These mutants were White (Albina), Yellow (Xantha), Yellow green (Chlorina) and Light green (Viridis). They were screened after 10-15 days of old seedling and were found at the margin of the leaflet or the entire leaflet.Induced mutation in the sectors of the leaves resulted into chlorophyll chimeric plants. The scoring of chlorophyll mutation frequency in M2 generation was one of the most reliable measures for evaluating the mutagenic induced genetic altercation of the mutagen treatments used in the ideotype. The frequency of chlorophyll mutants increased with the increase in the dose/concentration of the mutants. They can be screened and enhanced through mutation breeding for enormous yield.

Key words : Chimera, Chlorophyll mutants, EMS, Gamma rays, Lima bean.
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