FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2020 Vol.26 No.1 PP 11­-14
Foliar Biochemical Changes During Gall Formation in Mitragyna parvifolia
*Om Prakash Meena and Rishi Kesh Meena
Department of Botany,
University of Rajasthan,
*Corresponding Author : Email : op21meena@gmail.com
Mitragyna parvifolia is a medicinally important plant which is native to India and Shrilanka. This plant is widely used by tribal people of Rajasthan and other Ayurvedic practitioners. Normal leaf and leaf gall of Mitragyna parvifolia were collected and categorized in normal (healthy leaf) and galled leaf. In the present investigation an attempt was made to study the changes of some metabolites during the gall formation on leaf of Mitragyna parvifolia attacked by gall insect. Total soluble sugar, total phenol and peroxidase activities were found high in gall leaves as compared to healthy leaves but chlorophyll contents and polyphenol oxidase activities were recorded high in normal leave and protein contents were slightly high in normal leaves as compared to infected or gall leaves.

Key words : Biochemical changes, Healthy leaf, Leaf gall, Mitragyna parvifolia
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