FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2020 Vol.26 No.1 PP 46­-48
Studies on Fungal of Diseases of Cassia fistula and control measures in Nurseries and Plantation in Jalgaon District (M.S.) India
S. A. Firdousi
Department of Botany
H.J.Thim College of Arts and Science Mehrun,
*Corresponding Author : Email : shakeel.talk@gmail.com
During the extensive and intensive survey of the forest fungal disease of Cassia fistula growing in the road side, field, scrub forest near natural forest, plantations and nurseries, about nine type of fungal and bacterial diseases were recorded during 2017-2019. The diseases : wilt, leaf spot, leaf and stem rot were recorded in different study sites in the different seasons. The causal organism (Pathogens) were identified as Alternaria alternate, Fusarium solani, Phloespora cassia, Ganoderma lucidum and Pseudo sercospora.

Key words : Cassia fistula, Jalgaon.
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