FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2020 Vol.26 No.2 PP 243­-246
An Investigation of Phyllosphere Mycoflora of Phyllanthus amarus
Sumia Fatima and *Priya Lokare
Pesticides and Plant Protection Research Laboratory,
Dr. Rafiq Zakaria College for Women,
*Corresponding Author : Email : priyalokare2@gmail.com
Most of the medicinal plants die because of disease attack. There are many reasons to cause diseases. Very few information is available about the incidence, prevalence, epidemiology and management of medicinal plants diseases. There is little information or research work on diseases of medicinal plants. Phyllanthus amarus is one of the significant medicinal herbs. A main herb in the Indian Ayurvedic Medicine System. Stomach, genitourinary organ, liver, kidneys, and spleen, as well as gonorrhea, menorrhagia, and other genital diseases, use the whole plant. P. amarus. In this study, there were a total of six fungi found; they are, Aspergillus niger, A. nidulans, Alternaria sp., Fusarium sp., Passalora sp.(Syn. Cercospora sp.), and one Unidentified. Most of the mycoflora were found on leaf surfaces. From the analysis, it is found that very negligible research has been done on phyllosphere fungal diseases. Therefore, care must be taken in this case as phyllosphere fungi also caused significant loss to the herb by damaging stem, branchlets, fruits, flowers. A total of six isolated and reported fungi have infected an insignificant degree of Phyllanthus amarus.

Key words : Phyllanthus amarus, Phyllosphere fungi, P.D.A. Medium,
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