FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2020 Vol.26 No.2 PP 309-319
Comparative Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Lotic and Lentic Zone of River Betwa in Jhansi (U.P.), India
*Umesh Kumar Mishra and Vijay Kumar Yadav
Department of Zoology
Bipin Bihari (P.G.) College,
*Corresponding Author : Email : umeshbetwa@gmail.com
Water is the most precious natural gift given by God to human race. Its purity is also important for everyone. For the present study two sampling stations, Baratha village and Parichha dam head were selected for comparative assessment of physico-chemical parameters of lotic and lentic zones on Betwa river. Both these sampling stations are located at Jhansi (UP) India. Samples were collected regularly for one complete year from July 2018 to June 2019. Eighteen water parameters and four hundred thirty two samples were analysed. The overall mean ranges of these parameters at Baratha village and Parichha dam head were notified as electric conductivity (518.66±43.47) and (528.75±59.65), pH (8.09±0.36) and (8.14±0.26), water temperature (24.37±4.14) and (23.78±4.12), transparency (54.91±4.97) and (41.61±3.83), turbidity (30±12.38) and (35.25±16.38), TDS (265.33±16.74) and (267.66±25.42), TSS (66.5±12.52) and (69.83±14.45), TS (331.83±28.76) and (337.5±39.04), DO (6.76±0.68) and (6.72±0.86), total alkalinity (141.58±22.74) and (142.25±29.37), total hardness (150.08±22.70) and (153.66±20.55), Ca (29.04±2.32) and (29.84±5.38), Mg (13.51±2.01) and (14.32±2.20), chloride (24.77±3.29) and (26.85±3.99), BOD (4.08±0.71) and (4.15±1.16), COD (11.64±1.02) and (12.82±1.20), NO3 (1.64±0.37) and (1.93±0.59), PO4 (0.46±0.21) and (1.33±0.29). All these findings concluded that the lentic zone (Parichha) is more polluted than the lotic zone (Baratha). However all the observed values are in the range of permissible limits, so both zones can be used for irrigation and fisheries sector.

Key words : Jhansi, Lentic, Lotic, Water parameters.
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