FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2020 Vol.26 No.2 PP 209­-212
Studies on effects of different solvent extracted samples of O. sanctum (Basil) stem on the growth of S. typhi
*Seema Kumari and Vinod Prasad
Department of Botany,
B.N. College,Patna University,
*Corresponding Author : Email : Seemakumaribt@gmail.com
Typhoid is a problematic fever, caused by Salmonella typhi. Present investigation is based upon studies of antibacterial effects of different solvent extracted samples of O. sanctum stem on growth of S. typhi. The crude extracts of stem of O. sanctum were prepared from three different solvents such as methanol, ethyl acetate and hot water. Four different concentrations (25%, 50%, 75% and100%) were prepared from each one of the solvent extracted sample. Agar well diffusion method was used to test the antibacterial activity of different solvent extracted samples of O. sanctum stem. Analysis of data indicates that a metabolic extract of O. sanctum stem shows maximum zone of inhibition and it was of 26mm at 100% concentration and minimum zone of inhibition was of 19mm at 50% concentration. Ethyl acetate extract of O. sanctum stem shows maximum zone of inhibition and it was of 29mm at 100% concentration and minimum was of 14mm at 25% concentration. Hot water extract of O. sanctum stem shows maximum zone of inhibition and it was of 28mm at 100% concentration and minimum zone of inhibition was of 12mm at 25% concentration. This study indicates that ethyl acetate extract of O. sanctum stem is more effective against S. typhi as compared to methanol and hot water extracted solvent. Contrary to the antibiotics or synthetic medicine associated with many side effects, this plant part can be used as a herbal medicines against Salmonella typhi infection.

Key words : O. sanctum, S. typhi, Solvent, Zone of inhibition.
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