FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2020 Vol.26 No.2 PP 221­-226
Effects of Mutagens on Morphological traits of Psoralea corylifolia-A Medicinally Important Plant
*Ajey Karan Chaudhari1, Anand Prakash Singh2 and B R Chaudhary3
1Department of Botany,
Paliwal P.G. College,
2Department of Botany,
Bipin Bihari College, JHANSI
3Department of Botany,
Institute of Sciences, Banaras Hindu University,
*Corresponding Author : Email : ajeykaran@gmail.com
Mutation breeding like in other plants can significantly strengthen medicinal plants breeding programs and help to produce novel varieties with higher yield potential and improved yield quality. The dry and healthy seeds of P. corylifolia IC 111228 were subjected to mutagenic treatments namely ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) and sodium azide (SA). The treatment concentrations 15mM, 30mM, 45mM and 60mM of EMS and 1mM, 2mM, 3mM and 4mM of SA were chosen to evaluate the mutagenic potential in either case. The morphological traits were evaluated in M1 generation viz. plant height, days to flowering initiation, seed yield/plant and 100-seed weight. In EMS treatment 15 mM increased the plant height and seed yield, while in SA treatment 4 mM increased the seed yield/plant and 100-seed yield.

Key words : Ethyl methane sulphonate, Mutation, Psoralea corylifolia, Sodium azide.
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