FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2020 Vol.26 No.2 PP 227­-230
Plantlet regeneration via nucellar embryogenesis in Citrus jambhiri
*Manjula Singh, S.P.Paliwal and Shailendra Singh
Department of Botany,
Narain College,
Shikohabad- 205135, FIROZABAD (UP) INDIA
*Corresponding Author : Email : manjulapundhir@yahoo.co.in
To produce true-to-type and rapid multiplication micropropagation technique was utilized to the nucellar tissue with ovular halves of C. jambhiri. Nucellar tissues were cultured in a modified MS medium supplemented with different concentrations of 2ip viz. 0.25,0.50 mg l-1 alone and in combination of 0.50 mg l-1 NAA. Initiation of cell division and differentiation of proembryogenic tissue became apparent in first 80 days.These proembryos developed into embryos through subculturing in fresh medium. Low concentration of 0.25 2ip was found more suitable for the development of embryo producing large number of fully developed embryo in comparision to the embryo produced in the high concentration of 2ip (0.50 mg l-1) and in combination of 0.25 2ip and 0.50 mg l-1 NAA. Normally developed embryos in 0.25 2ip showed best germination in the fresh medium supplemented with 0.25 mg l-1 IAA, 100 ME mg l-1 and 5mg mg l-1 amino acids within 30 days as compared to other treatments. These germinated embryos were utilized for producing disease free saplings after hardening and nurturing in laboratory conditions. The disease free saplings thus produced can be used to establish new Citrus orchards within short time.

Key words : Embryo to embryo proliferation, Nucellar embryogenesis, Regeneration.
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