FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.1 PP 73­-83
Characterization of endosperm development in Guggul genotypes based on flow cytometry
Aarti Kavane, Ashok Kumar Bishoy1 and *K. A. Geetha
ICAR-Directorate of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Research,
1Department of Microbiology,
Marwadi University, RAJKOT, (GUJARAT) INDIA
*Corresponding Author : Email : geethaka99@yahoo.com
A comprehensive investigation on guggul endosperm development pattern was done by studying fruit set development under bagged condition and checked their ploidy level through flow cytometry. The study was carried out in 59 accessions maintained in the field gene bank of DMAPR. The flowers were bagged to avoid pollen grain and studied the fruit development pattern. It was found that, 48 accessions showed fruit set under bagged condition whereas 11 accessions failed to set the fruits. In these 11 accessions, the flowers were allowed for pollination and developing fruits (30-40 Days After Anthesis [DAA]) were collected and flow cytometric study was carried out to confirm triple fusion of endosperm development if there any. From the study it was observed that these showed 2x: 4x ploidy level, 2x:4x: 8x along with 2x: 3x which confirmed that, this apomictic species retains a low frequency of sexual reproduction. Hence it can be concluded that, both sexual and apomictic pathways are still active in the species which can be used as fixation of heterosis towards crop breeding improvement programme.

Key words : Apomixis, Autonomous endosperm, Commiphora wightii, Flow cytometry.
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