FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.1 PP 96-100
Studies on changes in muscle and liver glycogen in xylachlor induced fresh water teleostean fish, Channa marulius
*Raju Kumar and Moti Lal Gupta
Department of Zoology,
B.N. College (P.U.) PATNA-800001 (BIHAR) INDIA
*Corresponding Author : Email : rajukumar2802@gmail.com
Studies on Xylachlor (a weedicide) induced changes in plasma and muscle glycogen content have been made in an air breathing fresh water murrel fish, Channa marulius. It was observed that Xylachlor at all the concentrations (1.0 to 2.5ppm) caused marked effect on the levels of plasma as well as muscle glycogen of the fish under experiment causing a gradual decrease in the value as compared to control upto 96hrs of treatment in both sexes; thus indicating the deteriorated nutrient value of the fish exposed to xylachlor. The reason and mechanism of such changes have been discussed here.

Key words : Fish, Glycogen, Liver, Muscle, Xylachlor.
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