FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.1 PP 125-132
Comparative Study of Gender based Larvicidal Potency of Puntius ambassis, Ompak bimaculatus, Channa marulius and Heteropneustes fossilis Native Fish Species of Gwalior (M.P.) India: A Laboratory examination
*Mohammad Ishfaq Wani and Sarita Shrivastava
Department of Zoology,
Government Science Model College
GWALIOR-474009 (M.P.) INDIA.
*Corresponding Author : Email : Ishfaqzoology12@gmail.com
Present study is focused on using some common native fish species of Gwalior (M.P.) as predator of mosquito larvae. All Predation experiments were conducted against mosquito larvae, pupae and alternative food (aquatic insects) at varying pray densities in separate aquariums containing analysed pond waters of Jal-vihar and fish farm of Gwalior (M.P.). The time duration of each predation experiments was three days and in each day, fishes were fed with mosquito larvae, pupae and alternative food at varying densities at different time intervals of a day. The study revealed that, Larvae consummation was positively related with the small fish species having female gender and prefered mostly small pray as food. Thus, small sized female fish species possessed greater predation efficacy on mosquito larvae and the sequence of larvicidal potency of female fish species was noted in the present study is Puntius ambassis>Ompak bimaculatus> Channa marulius> Heteropneustes fossilis. As per the results of our study, it is predicted that females have greater value of larvicidal potency than that of males. Thus, female gender plays an important and positive role of mosquito biocontrol at source level.

Key words : Biocontrol, Eco-friendly. Gender, Potency, Zooplankton.
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