FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.1 PP 133-138
A new acanthocephalan of the genus Pallisentis recovered from intestine of Channa striatus from Imphal-East , Manipur (India)
* N. Pengki Devi and R.K. Gambhir
Parasitology Laboratory,
Centre of Advanced Studies in Life Sciences,
Manipur University, CANCHIPUR-795003,
*Corresponding Author : Email : nongthombampinky123@gmail.com
The new species is characterized by possessing medium body size, 4 rows of 9 hooks each, a faded fork like structure present in the proboscis, a collar of spine consisting of 15 rows of 8- 10 spines each, cylindrical testes, poorly develoved uterine bell. The eggs are present in the middle portion of the body and spines are present only in one third portion of the whole body length and the rest portion is devoid of spine. The present specimen deals with the description of Pallisentis heingangyensis n. sp. recovered from the intestine of Channa striatus from Heingang river, Imphal East, Manipur.

Key words : Acanthocephalan, Channa striatus, Heingang river, Manipur, Pallisentis.
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