FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.1 PP 144-148
Gill and Muscles abrasion associated with exposure to malathion in fresh water fish
*Vishal Rajput, Sukriti Badola and Richa Gaur1
Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,
1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
*Corresponding Author : Email : drvishalrajput6677@gmail.com
Malathion has a long range of application in agriculture, which leads its accumulation in animal tissues and may influence biochemical balance of aquatic organisms. Present study on fish gills and muscles has remarkable potential in understanding the adverse effect of selected toxicant on the biochemical and structural integrity of tissues. Twelve fingerlings were exposed to LC50 (406 ìg/L) concentration of malathion over a period of 96hrs. Periodic exposure of malathion at 24th, 48th, 72th and 96th hr, resulted in the form of reduction in gills protein content (-13.99%), (-18.56%), (-33.90%) and (48.14%) respectively. On other hand, in muscles similar reductive pattern of protein content was recorded as (-8.25 %), (-26.37%), (25.82%) and (-43.58%). Such negative protein alterations may be used as potential biomarker for pesticide toxicity in fresh water ecosystem.

Key words : Freshwater catfish, Pesticide, Protein, Toxicity.
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