FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.1 PP 55­-60
Effect of weed management practices and organic sources of nitrogen supplementation on weed density and yield of wheat
*Bhupesh Kumar Mishra and Santosh Pandey
Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Bundelkhand University, JHANSI-284128 (UP)
*Corresponding Author : Email : mbhupesh14@gmail.com
The different weed control methods (two hand weeding at 25 and 45 days after sowing (DAS) and one hand weeding at 25 DAS along with unweeded control ), organic sources of nitrogen (vermicompost, poultry manure, city manure and FYM) and their interaction were compared for their efficiency on various weed species and yield of wheat. Two hand weeding (W2) gave significantly maximum weed control. This was followed by one hand weeding at 25 DAS and control. These weed control methods significantly enhanced the yield and yield components of wheat. Among organic sources of nitrogen vermicompost (M1) recorded minimum weed density, weed dry weight and maximum yield, followed by poultry manure, city manure and FYM.

Key words : Density, Interaction, Supplementation, Vermicompost.
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