FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.2 PP 163­-168
Detection of Coliform, faecal Coliform And Total Bacterial Count From Drinking Water Of Varanasi (U.P.) India
*Alok Kumar Singh, Anand Prakash Singh1 and Sanjay Srivastava
Department of Botany,
CMP, PG College, (University of Allahabad), PRAYAGRAJ (UP) INDIA
1Department of Botany, Bipin Bihari College, JHANSI (UP)INDIA
2Department of Botany, H C P G College, VARANASI (UP) INDIA
*Corresponding Author : Email : dralokksingh1@gmail.com
In India source of drinking water at Varanasi city for common people are tap water, well, hand pump, Ganga river and stored tank water collected from bore well. All water samples were studied to assess their bacteriological characteristics and suitability for potable purposes. A cross-sectional epidemiological method was adopted to investigate the drinking water of six different sites of Varanasi city. The bacteriological examination of water samples included the most probable number of presumptive coliforms, faecal coliforms, and total bacterial count. The results showed that the total coliform count was detected in all the site. In all the methods coliforms presence was indicated. Maximum number of coliform observed in all the seasons, were from river and well water followed by hand pump, tap water and stored tank. The most common group of indicator organisms used in water quality monitoring are coliforms. These organisms are representative of bacteria normally present in the intestinal tract of mammals including human. Contamination of water may occur through different way like sewage disposal in the river, seepage of bathing near sites, fecal excreta of human, bird and other animals. Improving and expanding the existing water treatment and sanitation systems are more likely to provide good, safe and sustainable sources of water in the long term.

Key words : Coliform, Disease, Indicator, Water.
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