FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.2 PP 279­-283
Effect of phosphorus and zinc supplementation on growth, yield attributes and yields on pea (Pisum sativum) in district Jhansi (UP) India
*Satyavir Singh, Anil Kumar Sahu, Guru Dayal, Saurabh and Sanjay Singh
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences,
Bundelkhand University, JHANSI (U.P.) INDIA
*Corresponding Author : Email : satyavirsingh.solanki@gmail.com
A field experiment was conducted during winter season at Organic Research Farm Kurguan ji, Deptt. of Soil Science and Agricultural chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (U.P.) on red soil (Parwa) to study the effect of phosphorus and zinc application with four levels of each on pea crop. Application of 120 kg ha-1 P and 30 kg ha-1 Zn produced highest values and their percentage increment in respect to plant height (102.2 cm:10.3% and 97.9 cm:7.8%), no of branches (23.4 : 33.71% and 22.6: 31.39%), pod length (6.4 : 56.1% and 5.8 : 48.71%) and no of pods per plant (25.8 : 21.12% and 26 : 1.30.5%) respectively, over control followed by P2 (90kg ha-1), P1 (60 kg ha-1) and Zn2 (15 kg ha-1) and Zn1 (7.5 kg ha-1). The application of 120 kg ha-1 phosphorus treatment is proved as most superior among treatments. On the basis of analysis of soil samples after harvesting indicated neutral in reaction, safe in soluble salt concentration, low in organic carban and Nitrogen, medium in Phosphorus and Zinc, high in potash in present study.

Key words : Biological yield, Grain yield, Pea, Phosphorus, Stover yield, Zinc.
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