FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2021 Vol.27 No.2 PP 321­-329
Diversity of insect fauna in Rajasthan, India: A Review
Ramesh Prajapat and *Shashi Meena
Department of Zoology
University of Rajasthan,
*Corresponding Author : Email : drshashimeena15@gmail.com
Insect diversity is huge and immensely complex with making up an important component of the functional biodiversity of the terrestrial ecosystem. The study of diversity is a systematic approach to assess composition, abundance and comparison of inhabiting species in the various habitats. The Rajasthan state is divided into different climate zones from a western arid desert to a humid region of the south-eastern plateau that represents significant insect diversity. The present review aims to provide baseline information of insect diversity in four eco-geographical regions of the Rajasthan. The exact number of species is still not clear. Although, after perusal of the literature, the study revealed that there were 878 insect species and subspecies recorded belonging to 104 families and 14 orders. Among all, the order Lepidoptera is most diverse representing 234 species followed by Hymenoptera with 208 species and Coleoptera with 129 species. The maximum number of 398 species were recorded from the Aravalli range followed by 283 species in the Thar Desert, 225 species from the eastern plain while the Southeastern plateau is less diverse with 86 species of insects. This review will be helpful to assess the comparison and identify species data of the insect fauna for further study.

Key words : Abundance, Diversity, Ecoregion, Ecosystem, Insect, Rajasthan.
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