FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2022 Vol.28 No.1 PP 96-100
Age-associated weight gain as potential risk of hyperglycemic indications in randomised middle-aged and geriatric population of Darbhanga, Bihar, India
Shazia Zafar and *Bhaweshwar Singh
Department of Zoology,
Lalit Narayan Mithila University.
*Corresponding Author : Email : bhaweshwarsingh@gmail.com
The present study was undertaken with a view to investigate suitability of age-associated weight gain as potential risk of hyperglycemic indications in randomised middle-aged and geriatric population of Darbhanga, Bihar. Quantitative estimations of Fasting and 2 hours Post-Prandial Blood Glucose concentrations in both the sexes of urbanite human subjects (n=460)residing in Darbhanga, a commissionary town of Bihar, India and consented for required clinical tests were carried out. The study population was categorised into two age intervals of 45-59 and 60-75 years and two BMI-linked obesity groups comprised of Normal Weight and Overweight/Obese individuals. Results showed a trend of marked elevation in observed mean values of chosen blood parameters in subjects from Over weight/ Obese groups as compared to those from Normal Weight groups in both the age intervals and appeared suggestive of occurrence of hyperglycemic alterations with accompanying glucose intolerance. Findings seemingly affirm age-associated weight gain as potential risk of hyperglycemic perturbations in randomised middle-aged and geriatric population of urban Darbhanga.

Key words : Age, Ageing, Geriatric, Glucose, Homeostatic, Hyperglycemic, Obesity.
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