FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2022 Vol.28 No.1 PP 11­-16
A Study on Land use Pattern Followed by the Farmers in Western U. P., India
*Kshitij Parmar, N. K. Singh1, D. K. Singh2 and Vineeta Pandey
G.L.A. University, MATHURA -281406 (U.P.) INDIA
1B.V.R.I. Bichpuri, AGRA , (U.P.) INDIA
2S.V.P.U.A. & T. Modipuram, MEERUT (U.P.) INDIA
*Corresponding Author : Email : kshitig.parmar@gla.ac.in
The present investigation was done with the objective to know the land use pattern followed by the farmers of western Uttar Pradesh. The study was conducted in Meerut and Bulandshashar districts of Western Uttar Pradesh. From each district two blocks, from each block four villages and from each village 10 respondents were selected randomly. Thus, the total sample size was of 160 respondents. The data were collected by personal interview through structured schedule and analyzed through proper statistical techniques. Results regarding land use pattern followed by the farmers revealed that the majority (75.00%) of the respondents had medium cropping intensity, Majority (63.80%) did not use pest and disease resistant varieties, Most of the respondents did not use light traps, sticky traps or bird scares for pest control, Most of the farmers were ignorant about biological control of pests and most of respondents i.e. 88.80 percent always avoided the repeated use of same pesticides. Regarding nutrient management, majority never applied bio-fertilizer, Neem cake coated urea, green manure or rock phosphate to their field. About weed management, majority of the farmers never followed summer ploughing, proper seed rate and proper water management. The important water management practices like use of mulches and cover crops, lining channels with concrete/ polythene sheets and land leveling and shaping were also not adopted by majority of the respondents.

Key words : Farmers, Land use, Western U.P.
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