2022 Vol.28 No.2 PP 223-230
Study on the use of algal biomass in removal of dyes from Aqueous systems
*Bal Mukund Seth and Ashok Singh
P.G.Department of Botany,
*Corresponding Author :
E-mail: bmseth317@gmail.com
Present study provides direct information regarding the potential of algal biomass in removing dyes from wastewaters
and multi-component systems. Algal community growing in natural water streams of nearby area of Jaunpur district will be
grown in the laboratory in different culture media such as AAP, BG 11 and CHU 10 will be employed. Different algae will be
expected to show varying affinity for the different media as these media have varying compositions. Textile effluent pollution
levels might fluctuate over time. Furthermore, heavy metals, which are either used or produced as by-products of various
dyeing and sizing processes, are now common and persistent in textile effluents. Textile effluents were collected from industrial
sites based on ease of access and availability of the industry. Effluents were collected from discharge outlets of an ETP located
outside of a textile dyeing factory in this location for this investigation and were labelled as JTE (Jaunpur Textile Effluent). It
should be noted that the effluents utilised in this investigation were taken from the discharge ports of an ETP located directly
outside a textile dyeing factory in Jaunpur District. The findings also show that the effluents have an impact on water quality,
which has the potential to cause serious ecological as well as other healthcare catastrophes in the future. The isotherm
simulation revealed that the Langmuir isotherm equation, rather than the Freundlich equation, might better represent adsorption
on nanoalumina. Nanoalumina may be made in a straightforward and cost-effective manner.
KEY WORDS : Algal Biomass, Industrial effluents, Pollution, Removal of Dyes