FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2022 Vol.28 No.2 PP 347-354
Study of serum glucose in Rattus norvegicus under the stress of few pesticides
Arun Kumar Tewari1,and *Dharni Dhar Pandey2
1Department of Zoology
D.A.V. College,
22Forest Resarch Institute,
*Corresponding Author : E-mail: ddpandeybravgard@gmail.com
The present study includes toxicological profile of different pesticides as investigated. The experiment has been evaluated in male Rattus norvegicus using various parameters. This study was carried out to investigate the blood glucose of normal and understress of three groups of pesticides (organochlorine-endosulfan, carbamate-carbaryl and Organophosphorous-malathion). The study has drawn few possible correlations and conclusions to understand the effects of above pesticides with relation to their developmental days in laboratory rats. The present study includes the percentage increase or decrease of blood glucose level with relation to days (age) under the stressful effect of above three categories of hazardous chemicals.

KEY WORDS : Carbaryl, Endosulfan, Malathion, Rattus norvegicus, Serum glucose, Stress.
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