FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2023 Vol. 29 No.1 PP 99-103
Effect of Biotic and abiotic factors on mites infestation under grain storage- A review
Sourabh Maheswari
*Department of Entomology,
College of Agriculture, Govind Ballabh Pant University of Agriculture & Technology,
*Corresponding Author : E-mail: sourabhmaheshwari1998@gmail.com
Mites are common pests of stored grain containing high fat and protein content. They are considered secondary invaders among the diverse range of storage pests because they are unable to infest sound grain and instead feed on fractured kernels, debris, and high moisture grain that has been already damaged by some insect pests. The high humidity and optimum temperature are determining factors for the sensitivity of the food grains for mites attack. Mites directly risk human health by contaminating food and indirectly by mycotoxin released under storage conditions. They also result in a considerable loss in grain weight and a reduction in germination ability. The losses become more severe as the mite population grows. Chemical agents have traditionally been used to prevent or manage mite infestations, as it is the simplest and most cost-effective approach to dealing with stored grain mites. This review paper discusses Distribution, pest status, host range, food grain choice, abiotic factor influence, quantitative damage, change in biochemical composition, and botanicals for mite management.

KEY WORDS : Acarus spp., Mites, Stored grain pests, Tyrophagus spp., Zero tolerance policy
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