FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2023 Vol. 29 No.1 PP 11-15
Response of turmeric varieties to conventional versus organic production practices under Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh
Kamlesh Choudhary and *Satyavir Singh
Department of Soil Science & Agricultural Chemistry,
Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Bundelkhand University,
*Corresponding Author : E-mail:satyavirsingh.solanki@gmail.com
The five improved turmeric varieties viz.,IISR Pratibha (V1), Rajendra Sonia (V2), IISR Pragathi (V3), MotiHaldi (V4) and Megha Turmeric (V5) were examined to study the comparative effect between conventional production practices (P1: NPK @ 150:80:60 kg ha-1+ FYM @ 5 t ha-1) and organic production practices (P2: FYM @ 15.625 t ha-1 + vermicompost @ 6.2 t ha-1) for the growth and yield characters. The highest plant height (149.95 cm and 141.92 cm), leaf length (91.70 cm and 88.24 cm) and maximum number of leaves (13.96 and 13.82) was recorded with variety Rajendra Sonia (T2) under conventional and organic production practice, respectively followed by variety IISR Pratibha (T1) however, both the varieties were statistically at par with each other for plant height and leaf length under both the production practices. All the turmeric varieties under both the production practices had non-significant effect on number of tillers per plant. The highest rhizome yield (312.00 and 321.90 q ha-1) and straw yield (21.85 and 20.60 q ha-1) was recorded with variety Rajendra Sonia (T2) under both conventional and organic production practices however, it was statistically at par with variety MotiHaldi (T4) for straw yield under organic production practice.

KEY WORDS : Conventional, Organic, Production practices, Turmeric
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