FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2023 Vol. 29 No.1 PP 56-60
Potential Efficacy Of Citrus limon On Protein And Creatinine Profile In Ketamine treated Zebra fish, Danio rerio
Deepti Yadav, Surabhi Yadav and *Kaneez Zahra1
Department of Chemistry,
1Department of Zoology,
Bipin Bihari P.G College,
*Corresponding Author : E-mail: kaneezzakir21@gmail.com
This paper determines the toxicity of ketamine and its recuperation by phytochemicals of Citrus limon leaves extract. Fishes were collected, acclimatized & divided into 6 groups of 5 fishes each. Ist group served as control whereas, IInd group was treated with ketamine alone. IIIrd & IVth groups were treated with different concentrations of phytochemical and Vth & VIth groups were given ketamine with Phytochemical. After 96 hours total protein (TPRO) & creatinine levels were tested using autoanalyser from supernatant of liver and muscle tissues. Ketamine showed adverse effect on the protein concentration as well as in creatinine concentration, whereas at different concentrations, phytochemicals did not have any adverse impact and also helped in the suppression of toxic effect of ketamine. Some behavioural changes were observed after the treatment with ketamine. However such aberrant behaviour was absent in control fishes.

KEY WORDS : Citrus limon, Creatinine, Ketamine, Total Protein (TPRO), Zebrafish.
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