FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2023 Vol. 29 No.2 PP 286-290
Study of fodder plants in Azmatabad village of Thannamandi, District Rajouri (J&K) India
*Sajid Ali , Pragya Shrivastava and Mohd Junaid Jazib1
Department of Life Science,
Rabindranath Tagore University, BHOPAL, INDIA.
1Department of Environmental Science,
Govt PG College, RAJOURI (J&K) INDIA
*Corresponding Author : E-mail:Sajidali30031995@gmail.com
The present study was conducted to document the fodder plants and their usage by the Pahari and Gujjar community of Azmatabad village and adjoining area of Thanna mandi District Rajouri of J&K. Documentation is the first step in achieving conservation and sustainable use of fodder plants. Study area is inhibited mostly by Gujjar and Pahari tribes whose chief occupation is rearing of cattle, sheep and goats. These animals obtain their food by grazing in pastures, browsing leaves of shrubs and trees. The young twigs and leaves of trees are lopped for fodder. A total of 45 species were reported.

KEY WORDS : Azmatabad, Fodder, Gujjar, Leaves, Pahari, Pastures, Twigs
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