FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2023 Vol. 29 No.2 PP 291-295
Therapeutic effect of Bacopa monnieri on Aflatoxin B1-induced oxidative damage in rats
*Arti Rathour, Shamli S. Gupte, Sadhana Shrivastava and Sangeeta Shukla
UNESCO Trace Element Satellite Centre,
School of Studies in Zoology Jiwaji University,
GWALIOR-474011 (M.P.), INDIA
*Corresponding Author : E-mail:artirathore0207@gmail.com
Aflatoxin B1 is the one of most toxic and well-known mycotoxins, which contaminates staple food. Bacopa monnieri popularly known as Brahmi, is a well-documented nootropic drug in Ayurveda. Thus, the present study was designed to evaluate the protective efficacy of brahmi against liver damage induced within 4 weeks by oral doses 200 ìg/kg Aflatoxin B1, to male rats. Resulting in increased lipid peroxidation, decline in reduced glutathione, and antioxidant enzymes in liver tissue, increased serum liver pathology markers in serum. Oral pretreatment with 20 – 40 mg/kg Brahmi for a week showed remarkable protection against the toxic effects of aflatoxin B1.

KEY WORDS : Aflatoxin B1, Bacopa monnieri, Liver, Oxidative injury
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