FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2023 Vol. 29 No.2 PP 217-224
Influence of plant growth regulators on macro propagation in different banana genotypes
*A. Sarkar, I. Kulimbe and R. Mondal1
Department of Horticulture,
School of Agricultural Sciences,
Medziphema Campus, Nagaland University,
1Department of Biotechnology,
School of Engineering and Technology,
Dimapur, Nagaland University
*Corresponding Author : E-mail:asarkar1919@rediffmail.com
In vivo macro-propagation of banana has gained its momentum as an alternative source for mass multiplication of quality planting materials following some principles like decapitation, decortication of apical meristem of corm and hardening. 6- Benzylamino purine (BAP) @ 40ppm and 60ppm and Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) @1000 ppm and 2000 ppm were used for locally grown banana genotypes viz. Bharatmani, Chini champa and Bhootmanohar to assess the response of plant growth regulators on shoot and root proliferation. The diseases free uniform corm and sterilized sawdust as uniform rooting media were used in experiment under polyhouse condition. The apical meristem of corm was scooped out with sterilized knife to make a cavity. The growth regulators BAP and IBA) were injected into the cavity of apical meristem 2 days after planting. Proliferation of primary (3.33 and 3.67) and secondary (4.0 and 4.33) buds were noticed significantly by Bharatmani and Chini champa treated with BAP @ 40 ppm and also took less time for bud proliferation.The genotype Chini Champa treated with BAP @ 40 ppm generated maximum number of plantlets per corm (14.67) while the highest number of explants (13.66) per corm after detaching was obtained by Bharatmani using BAP @ 40 ppm.

KEY WORDS : Banana, BAP, IBA, Macro-propagation, Shoot proliferation
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