FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2024 Vol. 30 No.1 PP 66-68
Pandemic lockdown- the rejuvenation of freshwater bodies- the Ponds
V.K. Yadav, *Sonam Sharma and A.K. Srivastava1
Department of Botany,
1Department of Zoology,
D.V. College, Orai.285001 (U.P.) India
*Corresponding Author : E-mail:sonamsharmadvc@gmail.com
Due to the emission of greenhouse gases, our country was highly polluted before the COVID-19 lockdown. The over exploitation of natural resources like soil, air and water adversely affected the environment. The negative impact of lockdown was evident on the global economy, human life styles, mental health, tourism etc. However, a positive impact on air quality, clean water and undisturbed forests has been evident. The findings may be useful in guiding future strategies to maintain environmental quality by adopting a well-planned lockdown strategy.

KEY WORDS : Fresh water bodies, Pandemic lockdowsn, Rejuvenation.
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