2024 Vol. 30 No.2 PP 282-286
Extraction of keratin from Pavo cristatus (Peacock) feather using HPLC
*Padmavathi Sriram, Y.Sunila Kumari and B. Kavitha
Department of Zoology,
Telangana Mahila Viswavidyalayam,
*Corresponding Author
E-mail: padmanjanisriram@gmail.com
For the first time attempted to extract keratin from peacock feathers using HPLC. Our study was successful and an
amount of 1.2 mg of keratin was extracted. Chromatogram of peacock feather, showed a retention time at 4.661mints which was
close to the retention time of standard keratin at 5mints, and the concentration of the compound was calculated as area under
the curve /100. From this study it may be concluded that, peacock feathers may also be considered as one of the feasible options
for extraction of keratin.
KEY WORDS : Beta Keratin, Chromatogram, HPLC, Keratin, Pavo cristatus, Peacock feathers.