FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2024 Vol. 30 No.2 PP 287-294
Antagonistic activity of Enterobacter species against phytopathogenic fungal pathogen
Srishti Singh, *Alok Kumar Singh, Anand Prakash Singh1 and Gopal Nath2
Department of Botany,
CMP PG College, University of Allahabad,
1 Department of Botany
Bipin Bihari College, JHANSI-284001 (UP) INDIA
2Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University,
*Corresponding Author
E-mail : dralokksingh1@gmail.com
This review focuses on the effective bio-control of plant diseases by microorganisms instead of chemical control methods. Chemical pesticides have been used excessively to treat or prevent plant diseases, harming people and polluting the environment. Numerous traits of Enterobacter spp. have been identified, including their ability to fix nitrogen, solubilize soil phosphorus, create antibiotics, secrete siderophores, chitinase, ACC deaminase, and hydrolytic enzymes in addition to exopolysaccharides, and increase soil porosity. Genus Enterobacter is a facultative anaerobic, straight rod-shaped, motile bacterium and has peritrichous flagella. Scores of Enterobacter strains have these traits, which support plant growth and inhibit pathogenic fungi on plants. The Enterobacter genus is crucial for halting the spread of fungi that cause plant illnesses.

KEY WORDS : Enterobacter spp., Fungal pathogens, Plant diseases, PGP.
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