FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2024 Vol. 30 No.2 PP 311-316
Assessment of Red-Rot Resistance in C-1 Generation of Sugarcane Genotypes in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India
*Y. P. Bharti, Sanjay Kumar1, V.K. Shukla and S.K. Shukla2
Genda Singh Sugarcane Breeding Research Institute,
1Department of Microbiology,
Bundelkhand University, JHANSI-284128 (U.P.), INDIA
2Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research,
P.O. Dilkusha-226 002, LUCKNOW (U.P.) INDIA
Corresponding Author
E-mail : ypyogesh2011@gmail.com
The fungal disease red rot is caused by the fungal pathogen Colletotrichum falcatum. It is one of the most destructive diseases of vital commercial crop sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) at global level including in India. This disease adversely affects sugarcane yield and quality leading considerable economic losses. The current study aimed to assess the resistance of C-1 generation sugarcane genotypes to red rot under field conditions in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The experiment was conducted at the Genda Singh Sugarcane Breeding Research Institute, Seorahi, Kushinagar as a trial of breeding program to evaluate resistance. A spore suspension of C. falcatum (10v spores/mL) was inoculated into 5036 sugarcane genotypes using the plug method. Sixty days post inoculation, the disease severity was assessed by longitudinal splitting at the inoculation site and the genotypes were rated on an international 0-9 scale, considering factors like top condition, lesion width, nodal transgression and white spot formation. Among the evaluated genotypes, 1856 were moderately resistant, 1078 moderately susceptible, 977 susceptible, and 1042 highly susceptible. A small portion of genotypes exhibited water shoot phases. The identified moderately resistant genotypes represent a significant resource for advancing breeding programs, contributing to the development of red rot-resistant sugarcane varieties with enhanced productivity and disease management potential.

KEY WORDS : Colletotrichum falcatum, C-1 Genotypes, Red rot disease, Saccharum officinarum, Sugarcane.
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