2024 Vol. 30 No.2 PP 389-394
Sanitation and Hygiene Condition of Urban Slums: A Study on Slums of Lucknow City, (U.P.) India
*Dipti Maurya, Pradip Kumar and Susmita Srivastava
Department of Geography,
1Department of Zoology
S.K.P.G. College, BASTI-227001(U.P.) INDIA
*Corresponding Author
E-mail: diptimaurya007@gmail.com
The number of slums has significantly increased in Lucknow over the last three decades along with the expansion of
cities and towns. Rapid urbanization, caused largely by a heavy influx of migrants from rural areas, has exerted severe pressure
on urban housing and public services in Lucknow City. At the rate at which urban slums are increasing the infrastructure and
basic services in Lucknow are not able to cope. Due to this circumstance as well as the impoverished economic circumstances
of the poor migrants, a considerable number of slums have been formed where severe service deficiencies have compounded
and proliferated, creating dangerous environmental conditions. In the present Study Data have been collected from primary
sources, secondary sources and from focused group discussion. The study analyses the practice of sanitation and hygiene
regarding water. This paper has highlighted the survey of water resource availability and quality at the source point of consumption;
problems faced in getting safe drinking water; and knowledge of hygienic latrines; awareness about health. In addition to the
above, the survey maintained a specific focus on, women and the young generation. The study finds that there have been some
improvements in terms of knowledge of hygiene, due to the spread of awareness during corona.
KEY WORDS : Hygiene; Sanitation; Slum; Water resource.