FLORA AND FAUNA ISSN 2456-9364(Online) 0971-6920(Print)
2024 Vol. 30 No.2 PP 211-218
Trechispora pallescens comb. nov : a new record in India
Tanmay Bera and *Swapan Kumar Ghos
Molecular Mycopathology Lab,
Cancer Research Unit and Biocontrol Unit,
PG Department of Botany,
Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Centenary College (Autonomous),
* Corresponding Author
E-mail : gswapan582@gmail.com
Trechispora pallescens, comb. nov. - a rarely documented mushroom in West Bengal, India and beyond was thoroughly characterized in this study by ecological, morphological, anatomical, and molecular (ITSs regions of r DNA) analyses. Ecologically mushroom was grown in soil in post monsoon season in solitary or aggregate. Spore print was white. Biochemical test exhibited KOH (4%) and H2SO4 (10%) positive. The fruit body (height: 3.0–5.5 cm) was white coralloid, flattened branched with roughed surface. Anatomy exhibited basidium [ 20.18-9.01 µm (height) × 7.10- 2.65 μm (diameter)] with sterigmata (2 in number; 1.36 to 2.56 µm in length) and basidiospore (5.65 × 4.24 µm in diameter). Hyphal system was monomitic with clump connection and ampulliform septa. Edibility was not reported. ITS1- 5.8S - ITS2 region of r DNA was amplified by PCR via fungal primers. In conclusion, the collected mushroom was identified as Trechispora pallescens, comb. nov. It is the first time recorded in India particularly in West Bengal. It is expected that in future scope of research, its nutritional and medicinal or therapeutic value against many diseases will come out

KEY WORDS : Biochemical, India, ITS, Morpho-anatomy, New record, Trechispora pallescens
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