• Flora and Fauna follows COPE Guidelines completely.
  • Publication of manuscripts is beyond of any nation, religion, race, caste and creeds.
  • Prime duty of the editorial board is to see the quality, standard and continuous improvements of the journal.
  • Editors should have system to ensure that peer reviewers identities are protected.
  • The main duty of the publisher is to keep things secret and confidential.
  • Reviewer is always very conscious to prevent plagiarism. If a case of plagiarism comes to knowledge after a paper is published in the Flora and Fauna, we conduct proper investigation as per COPE Guidelines.
  • Any personal information which hurts the person concern would not be published in flora and fauna.
  • Certificate of ethical committee is required for the publication of the manuscript, where slaughtering of animals prohibited.
  • Editorial board, reviewer and publisher are bound to work within their stipulated time.
Feedback-Dr. A.K.Srivastav, Chief/Principal Executive,
Flora and Fauna,"Sukh Sadan" F-3, Surya Puram,
Sipri Bazar,Jhansi - 284003 (U.P.) India
Phone - 0510 - 2480424, 09415030098
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