Payment Options
The payment may kindly be sent by any of the following modes:
1. | Online payments through net banking:
Payments can also be made online through net-banking directly to SURYA Bank Account. Please use the following details:
Bank Name : Indian Bank, Bipin Bihari College, Jhansi (U.P.), India
IFSC : IDIB000B501
Account Name : SURYA
Account Number : 22207635558
RBI Code : 0212141
Tel. No. : 0510-2473414
3. | By Bank Draft:
Bank Draft should be in favour of 'SURYA' payable at Jhansi (U.P.) and sent to Dr. A.K.Srivastav, Chief / Principal Executive,Flora and Fauna,"Sukh Sadan" F-3, Surya Puram, Sipri Bazar, Jhansi - 284003 (U.P.) India.
2. | Online payments by all major credit cards and debit cards:
Payments to SURYA can be made online via all the major credit and debit cards. Please let us know if you would like to make a payment via credit/debit card. We will send you an invoice at your email address with a link to a payment gateway.
4. | Western Union Money Transfer:
Alternatively Western Union Money Transfer can be used. Please use the following information for the same:
Name: Dr. A.K.Srivastav
Address: Chief / Principal Executive,Flora and Fauna,
"Sukh Sadan" F-3, Surya Puram,
Sipri Bazar
City: Jhansi
Country: India